V. MuSkITYR Symposium

Our fifth own MuSkITYR Symposium took place on November 6th and 7th, 2023 in Hanover.
Heide Siggelkow, expert in metabolic osteopathy and rare bone diseases from Endokrinologikum Göttingen, and Frank Zaucke, head of Dr. Rolf M. Schwiete from the research area for osteoarthritis at the Orthopedic University Clinic Friedrichsheim in Frankfurt/Main gave keynote lectures. Many participants also presented their research in the form of short talks. In addition to the best talk, the best questions were also rewarded.
Networking and exchanging experiences were also part of the program again: in our mentoring sessions, experienced researchers and young scientists talked about topics such as the pros and cons of preclinical models, choosing the right histological technique or the role of collaboration between research and Clinic.
We look forward to seeing you again at the symposium in 2024!
IV. MuSkITYR Symposium

On November 9-10, 2022 we hosted our fourth MuSkITYR Symposium in Frankfurt/Main.
Richard Stange from the University Hospital Muenster, Hanna Taipaleenmaeki from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Cesar Libanati from UCB Pharma gave keynote lectures. There were, as always, also mentoring sessions and ample opportunities for networking.
We are looking forward to meeting you at our next symposium in 2023!

III. MuSkITYR Symposium

On November 8-9, the 3rd MuSkITYR Symposium took place in the Waldschlösschen Göttingen under strict hygiene requirements. 35 participants from all over Germany and Austria came to discuss the latest research results on the musculoskeletal system.
As invited speakers, Björn Busse from Hamburg and Prof. Barbara Obermayer-Pietsch from Graz gave fantastic overview presentations on bone physiology and biomarkers in bone diseases.
In the evening, mentoring sessions took place for the young scientists on the topics of work-life balance, writing a scientific paper, publication strategy, social media in science and career paths. The day ended with a cozy get-together.
MuSkITYR @Osteologie 2021
Traditionally the annual Osteologie conference is a place for MuSkITYRs to meet and to present their results. Even if we could not catch-up personally this year, MuSkITYRs actively participated in the virtual edition of this year’s meeting. In collaboration with the DAdorW (Deutsche Akademie für osteologische und Rheumatologische Wissenschaften) and DGO (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteologie), a young scientists session was organized and included a great line up of speaker with basic research and clinical background. The session was moderate by Prof. Arndt Schilling (DAdorW), Prof. Andreas Roth (DGO) and Dr. Felix Schmidt and PD Marietta Herrmann representing the MuSkITYRs. The best basic and clinical presentation were honored and a “best question” price was awarded for the most active participation in the discussion. We would like to thank all presenters for their great contributions and are looking forward to meet you soon again in person!
Award winners
Giulia Furesi, Dresden (Best presentation basic research)
Andreas Lipphaus, Bochum (Best presentation clinical research)
Kai Böker, Göttingen (Best question)
Andreas Lipphaus, Bochum | Computational simulation of growth after temporal proximal tibial hemiepiphysiodesis in idiopathic genu valgum |
Sofia Paulus, Würzburg | Establishment of Alkaline Phosphatase deficient odontogenous cell lines to analyze dental aspects of hypophosphatasia |
Giulia Furesi, Dresden | Extracellular vesiscles derived from prostate cancer cells influence osteoblast activity |
Franziska Wirth, Heidelberg | Osteoblasten stimulieren die Hämatopoese durch IL-4 Produktion |
Kai Böker, Göttingen | Vascularized 3D-bone and cartilage tissue engineering |
Moritz Pfeiffenberger, Berlin | Das in-vitro-3D-Frakturspalt-Modell: Eine präklinische Test-Plattform |
Franca Genest, Würzburg | Validität der Stride Length Variabilität als Parameter zur Risikoabschätzung muskulärer Defizite im Alter |
Franca Genest, Würzburg | Bone Turnover und Knochenstoffwechsel bei erwachsenen Patienten mit Hypophosphatasie mit kindlichem Onset unter laufender rekombinanter Enzymersatztherapie |
Caren Zöller, Heidelberg | Die Fibronektinisoform EDB verbessert die Knochendichte in vivo |
Aria Sallakhi, Wien | Abnehmende Handkraft als Indikator für eine erhöhte Sterblichkeit bei Patienten unter alleiniger spezifischer Osteoporosetherapie |
Franca Genest, Würzburg | Langzeiteffektivität unter Asfotase alfa unter erwachsenen Hypophosphatasie-Patienten mit kindlichem Onset in der klinischen Routine nach insgesamt 24 Monaten Therapiedauer |
MuSkITYR Session at the Osteologie 2020

COVID-19 update (08/18/2020):
Osteology 2020 has been relocated. Due to the current pandemic, Osteology was reorganized in 2020. There will be no MuSkITYR session this year.
We are really looking forward to a meeting in the new year. Osteology 2021 in Bremen!
Congress website: http://www.osteologie20.de
If you have any questions, please contact us at: info@muskityr.com

1st MuSkITYR Symposium
For the first time we had the honor of holding our own symposium. The event took place December 2 to 3, 2019 in the Reisensburg conference center in Günzburg. In addition to scientific lectures by each participant, there were method workshops on clinical osteology and cell biology. Prof. Martina Rauner and Prof. Franz Jakob gave insights into career planning and their own research projects. Thank you very much for the interesting presentations and the lively discussion!
Besides lectures, discussions and workshops, our first symposium also offered space for networking and an informal get-together to make contacts. The conference fee of an average 50 € included free board and lodging at the Reisensburg for all participants. We owe this opportunity to our sponsors, so RISystems and Promega, represented by Romano Matthys and Paul Muschler, who were present at the event, and also Abbvie and TAmiRNA.
The abstracts submitted by our members were published in the December issue of Osteologie. We are delighted with the success of our first symposium and look forward to the next one!
Knochen, Muskeln und Gelenke – Update 2019
Dear MuSkITYRs,
At the “Bones, Muscles and Joints – Update 2019” congress we have our own Young Investigator session and thus the opportunity for you to present your research in the musculoskeletal area. Would you like to participate? There are travel grants. All further information below.
We look forward to you!
Format: lecture + discussion
Date of the session: 11/9/19
Abstract deadline: 07/15/19
Abstract length: 250 words (de/en)
Send your abstract to: KMG2019@muskityr.com
Congress website: http://www.mes-berlin.com/WP/veranstaltungen-alt/knochen-muskel-und-gelenke/
If you have any questions, please contact us at: info@muskityr.com